Clay projects


What is glaze?-  colored liquid of crushed minerals and oxides that hardens when put in a kiln.  Used for decorative purposes and protects your piece. It is very much like a thin glass layer. 

You Must:

Make sure the piece is bisqued (1st firing) before you glaze it

Glaze inside bowl first, then glaze outside of bowl.  To keep colors separate, wipe off any drips from inside that dripped to outside of bowl

Wait for first glaze to dry before applying second glaze.
Wait for wax to dry before re-glazing.
When using more than one glaze, dip quickly, shake off excess.

Use heat gun if need to speed up glaze drying time.
Wipe bottom of mug until clean after glazing to prevent the glaze from sticking on the kiln shelf.

If hand painting with brush, make sure you apply three layers. Each layer needs to be dry before applying the next layer.  

Tea Bowl Glaze Options:
1. Inside (of bowl) one color, outside another
2. All over with one color, rim another
3. 1/2 one color, 1/2 another color

Glazing terms

Wax Resist
Wax resist video
Wax Resist (noun) is a waxy substance used to prevent slips, engobes, or glazes from adhering onto the clay body or a prior coating of slip, etc.

Brushing Glaze
Brush applies glazes unevenly. Use for effect or coat 3 times.  Some potters brush up and down for first coat, side to side for second coat, and diagonally for third coat to insure full coverage. 

Drizzle Glaze/ Ladle Glaze
Use bulbs for small pieces and ladles for large pieces. For large pieces, support piece on two sticks over clean tray. return excess glaze between colors.

Be aware of overly chaotic glazing with drizzle method. Humans respond to pattern, repetition and flow. Chaos may bring anxiety.

Sponging Glaze   
 Good way to add depth and color to another glaze without applying too much glaze which is especially true for runny glazes; can also be used in conjunction with WAX RESIST.

 ALWAYS wash tools and return
Replace lids on glazes and return buckets to shelfs
Wipe down glazing areas with glazing sponges   

Mug Glaze Options-Don't hold by handle yet
1. Single color
2.  Inside one color, outside another
3. All over with one color, rim another
4. Oxides in grooves then glaze all over
5. Glaze all over then brushed oxides on surface
6. Glaze all over then scrape top layer and re-glaze
7. Glaze all over then wax resist, then glaze again
8. Glaze all over then sponge on second glaze

Glazing Demo Picassa-Flip Cam videos

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